Don`t forget your inner-child
After a certain age our society starts expecting us to “start behaving like adults” and certain things like collecting stuffed animals becomes “childish”. People grow up so quickly nowadays and forget all the things they enjoyed as children. Growing up does not mean that you will have to stop doing all those things.
That same child is still living inside of you and occasionally wanting to come out to the surface via creative activities. Let it be there and learn how to listen all of those messages you can get from that part of yourself.
I am not saying that we should stop taking responsibilities and live in a child state forever but instead honor that child in you and let in live beside “the adult side” that is taking responsibilities. There is nothing wrong with allowing yourself to have the same hobbies tru out your life, keep doing those things that has sparked joy in you since the very beginning.
If you still want to collect something or hug your favorite stuffed animal when feeling sad just go ahead and do so as long as it does not interfere with the everyday tasks.
Our childhood is a short period in our lives so why not keep that same childlike curiosity alive for the rest of our time here. Life can get quite boring if we forget that playfulness you can see in children. Both of our sides can live together in harmony if you just allow it to happen without fighting against it. our inner-child can teach us a lot if we just take the time and listen.
As a kid i used to think that when we turn 18 (or 21 depending on where you live) you all of the sudden have to know everything and cant ask for help anymore or do anything “childish”. Because of it the whole idea of growing up felt quite scary.
But now as a young adult i have noticed how those same hobbies still bring me joy as much as they used to back in my childhood. I am not playing with toys anymore but instead finding that same playfulness tru drawing,writing,coloring, acting etc.
The world is too serious so brighten it up with joy and playfulness.we can learn amazing things by putting our roles away and living our lives with curiosity and willingness to learn each and every day.
we all have enough time to be both children and adults to our-self`s don`t let anyone tell you otherwise. ❤