First flu of the year.
I have somehow managed to avoid getting sick for over a year,that was until this morning. I woke up with flu symptoms,took the at home Covid test and it came back negative. My plans for meeting a friend got canceled for obvious reasons. Lets hope this only last a few days. I have a cough,sore throat and i feel tired. No changes in taste or smell. need to test myself again if the symptoms are not getting better few days down the line.
Now it is just a lots of rest, tea and allowing my body to recover. My ques is that these past few stressful weeks have weakened my immune system and that is why i ended up getting sick. I hope your new year has begun better than mine. we should listen to our bodies early and way before something like this happens,but oh well now i need to take it easy and rest until my body is back to normal. wish me luck that this is not Covid, or if it is i get a mild case!
Edit:Took another test today and it was also negative so we are all good here,my cough is also getting better! ❤