My favorite apps 2022 edition.
In case you are looking for a new apps to try.
Best meditation and mindfulness app : insight timer. Why? It offers a wide range of meditations from different teachers around the world. I also love how the app has a journal and mood tracker already built-in, so there’s no need for a separate app for that purpose. You get hundreds of thousands of meditations from their free version alone. There’s so much to choose from!
Headspace is another good option, I love their beginner friendly interface and those cute cartoon like characters in the app. Their courses are nice when trying to build a consistent meditation habit, and the app has a unique way of delivering lessons tru animations. Free content is limited, so I personally prefer the subscription to get the most out of the app.
The best app for period tracking : Clue. Why?: I have been using this app since 2012. The app has a clean interface that’s easy to navigate. There’s no adds and it’s completely free with a subscription option if you want to support their female led team. But personally I use the free version.
I like the ability to track symptoms that occur during the cycle so you can easily see if something is abnormal.
The best note-taking app: Google keep notes.
Why?: it’s simple and has everything I need. Plus, your notes are easily transferred between your devices. I don’t need overly complicated note taking apps.
Best internet browser: Duckduckgo.
Why? : it’s simple to use, and I like how they don’t collect any data or your browsing history. It’s also easy to see whether or not a website is safe. When I search things in English, I find that this browser has a wider selection of resources than Google.
The best app for podcasts and music: Spotify.
Why? It’s the one I began using years ago and have not switched ever since.Fun fact: this is also the reason why i joined Facebook back in the day as Spotify required you to have a Facebook profile. There might be better options for this purpose but I will stick with Spotify. Sharing songs or podcasts with friends is also super easy.
The best app for audio books: audible. Why? It has the world’s largest selection of audio books and podcasts. It’s easy to get my hands on English literature as book stores in Finland unfortunately have quite a narrow selection of them. I mean you can always order online but still.
Let me know some of your favorite apps in the comments. ❤