What i did to Create safe sensory environment at home.
Finding new ways to calm down my nervous system.
As some of you might already know, I am someone who deals with sensory processing issues on day to day basis. I can’t go in to too much detail due to privacy reasons but yesterday there was a situation at work that left me feeling overwhelmed and panicking.
my senses were in a complete overdrive when I came home. So the only option was to create a safe space with minimal amounts of sensory stimuli. I did that by putting on some ear plugs and a sleep mask and hopping under the most softest blanket ever that always makes me feel safe. After like 25 minutes of simply staying still and breathing I felt so much better.
We made “yoga bracelets “ few weeks ago with my yoga instructor friends and I found that using it as a grounding tool was so helpful. Because i needed something to fidget with. Having a safe item you can focus your senses on can help you to calm down easier. We need more safe sensory environments for people who often deal with sensory overload. luckily i have found new coping mechanisms to add to my “tool box”.
Panic attacks and sensory processing difficulties ain’t no fun but I am slowly learning to live with these things that are part of me and while we can’t change the way your nervous system works luckily there is techniques that can help us live better lives with our invisible conditions. ❤