what yoga has taught me?
I have been practicing yoga since being 14 or 15. I´m turning 23 this year so it has been over six years of taking part in regular yoga glasses. I have learned quite a lot about myself during this process. Lets begin by finding answer to the question What is yoga? according to nytimes.com yoga is A set of specific exercises, called poses, combined with specific breathing techniques and meditation principles.
The development of yoga can be traced back to over 5,000 years ago, but some researchers think that yoga may be up to 10,000 years old. (source : https://www.yogabasics.com/learn/history-of-yoga/)
So after giving you some basic information about yoga lets dive in to things i have learned by practicing it on regular basis.
- Every yoga glass is different . Everyday when i hop on the mat and begin my practice it feels different. Things like your mood or energy levels will affect how different poses will feel.
- slowing down is key. There is now rush to finish your practice. One of the basic principles of yoga is learning how to be mindful and listen to your body. Even if i do more energizing glasses key thing is to do poses carefully so i wont hurt myself.
- your thoughts are like clouds they come and go. I have learned how to listen to my thoughts and see how they come and go like clouds floating on the sky. When i get anxious thoughts i will gently bring my focus back to my breath and the yoga poses.
- My body is beautiful as it is. Yoga is not about losing weight or comparing your body to other peoples its about learning to appreciate all the things it can do and getting better with self compassion and loving yourself were you are right now.
- Poses that are difficult at first will get easier more you practice them. when i began practicing yoga i was unable to hold myself in plank pose without shaking constantly but now i can do planks way easier . So practice makes perfect over time.
- Every breath is new arrival. Every single breath you take feels little different from the previous one. with practicing yoga i have learned how to listen my breath and how different yoga poses feel in my body. When doing more challenging poses slow and calm breaths will help with relaxing your body and mind.
- don´t force yourself in the poses. Listen to your body do only poses that makes you feel good. Make sure to modify them if you find relaxing impossible. yoga is not about forcing or pushing yourself it´s about relaxing. You should be able to breath in every pose.
Yoga is amazing form of exercise for it´s benefits for the body and mind. It teaches you to be more present while also relieving muscle tension and making you more flexible. I would highly recommend you to give it a try ❤ There is practices suitable for every levels from beginners to more experienced yogis. Key point here is that yoga is a practice and making mistakes is okay we will all learn tru out our yoga journeys. For a place to start check out yoga with Adriene on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFKE7WVJfvaHW5q283SxchA