Why i find hospital gowns to be inconvenient.
One day while browsing the internet i stumbled across this random YouTube shorts about hospital gowns. It made me realize that in my country patients are not asked to wear them that often. Only if we are being prepared for surgery or a long medical procedure would doctors ask us to change in to one. But Never for a regular check up at the general practitioner`s office.
If you compare this to the us healthcare system you can see that the patients are asked to change in to a hospital gowns for a minor reasons like listening to your heart and lungs. This extra step seems so inconvenient to me.
What is the point of asking the patient to put on a gown if you could also ask the patient to take their shirt of for like a minute and then they can put it back on as soon as the doctor is done for that portion of the exam.Would it be easier to just deal with that short moment of awkwardness?
There has been multiple occasions were i had to be on my underwear for a doctors appointment. It has always felt fine for me and no big deal because they always try to be as quick as possible and then you can put your clothes back on. This is way easier in my opinion than changing in to a hospital gown every single time.
Side note: privacy curtains are located behind every door at my local hospital,so it is not like the whole waiting room sees you half naked! Just in case a nurse needs to consult your doctor in the middle of everything. (I am talking from personal experience..)
I have never found this to be strange or anything, maybe it is because i happen to be from a country that has over 3 million saunas. so I assume that most people here are quite comfortable with their bodies due to the sauna culture and how nakedness in general is a neutral thing.
bodies are just bodies and the doctors have seen it all!