My way of adding personal touch to gifts.

Little wheat's writings
2 min readDec 10, 2022


Credits: congerdesign,pixabay

Now that the holiday season is upon us there`s one question on everyone`s lips and that is what on earth do i give to people? or more importantly how do i make my gift stand out from the rest?

The internet is full of different ways to package your gifts but this has nothing to do with fancy packaging. The way of making my gifts stand out is to add letters to every single one. Yes, I mean the old fashioned hand written letters. You might be wondering, what is the point?, as nowadays its so much easier to just send a message to someone as it gets delivered in just a few seconds.

That is the exact reason why i love writing letters. Communication via messages is so fast and easy that we sometimes don`t even think about what we are wanting to say and/or how to get our message across in a way that does not leave room for misunderstandings.

There is magic in slowing down , putting pen onto the paper and actually reflecting on the friendships/relationships you have with others. I think that handwriting is a lost form on art in our modern society. When writing by hand you add your own personal touch to the gift. The person receiving the letter also gets a piece of you to hold onto. I wrote a special letter for my sisters 18th birthday. She now gets to keep that and read it again if she needs a words of wisdom and encouragement.

We have saved every single letter my grandparents have ever written to each other and that if something is a piece of history as they are no longer here with us. So the next time when it is time to give gifts maybe consider writing a letter so go with it. I am sure that the receiver will appreciate your gesture❤

